goptions Documentation


GOptions provides an unified framework to parse command-line arguments and YAML files. The main components are: GSwitch and GOption


A GSwitches is struct with a boolean flag and a description. It is initialized to false by default and can be toggled to true by specifying it on the command line. For example, the switch "gui" is activated if the command line contains:


Simple GOption

A simple GOption is associated with a single value, which can be an integer, float, double, or string. It is represented as follows in a YAML configuration file:

runno: 12

The corresponding command-line option would be:


Structured GOption

A structured GOption consists of multiple key-value pairs within a single tag. An example from a YAML file:

- name: e-
p: 1500
theta: 23.0
multiplicity: 4

The equivalent command-line option:

-gparticle="[{name: e-, p: 1500, theta: 23.0, multiplicity: 4}]"

Note the need of quotes in the command line to define.

GOptions Main Features

  • Add options and switches to an executable via framework or plugins.
  • Merging of command-line options with YAML file values. Command line options override YAML values.
  • Import child YAML files for modular configuration.
  • YAML output for all user-selected and default options.
  • Automatic versioning and formatted help.

C++ User Interface

Users can instantiate the GOptions class by calling its constructor:

 GOptions(argc, argv, defineOptions()) 
argcNumber of command-line arguments passed from main.
argvArray of command-line arguments passed from main.
defineOptionsFunction that constructs and returns a GOptions object.

The defineOptions function creates and returns an instance of GOptions with predefined command line switches and options.

Example with these options and switches:

  • A switch log to enable logging.
  • An integer option runno to set the run number with a default value.
  • An integer option nthreads to set the number of threads to use, with a default that uses all available threads.
  • A structured option gparticle to define generator particles with attributes such as name, multiplicity, momentum, and angles.
GOptions defineOptions() {
string help;
// Command line switch
goptions.defineSwitch("log", "A switch, this is just an example.");
// Option for run number
help = "Example: -runno=12\n";
goptions.defineOption(GVariable("runno", 1, "Sets the run number"), help);
// Option for number of threads
help = "If not set, use all available threads. 0: use all threads\n";
help += "Example: -nthreads=12\n";
goptions.defineOption(GVariable("nthreads", 0, "Number of threads"), help);
// Vector of GVariable for structured option gparticle
vector <GVariable> gparticle = {
{"name", * goptions::NODFLT, "Particle name"},
{"multiplicity", 1, "Number of particles per event"},
{"p", * goptions::NODFLT, "Momentum"},
{"theta", "0*degrees", "Polar angle"},
{"delta_theta", 0, "Particle polar angle range, centered on theta. Default: 0"},
help = "Example to add three particles, one electron and two protons, identical except spread in theta:\n\n";
help += "-gparticle=\"[{name: e-, multiplicity: 1, p: 2300, theta: 23.0}, {name: proton, multiplicity: 2, p: 1200, theta: 14.0, delta_theta: 10}]\"\n";
goptions.defineOption("gparticle", "Define the generator particle(s)", gparticle, help);
return goptions;
The GOptions class manages command-line options and switches.
Definition: goptions.h:22
const std::string NODFLT
Encapsulates a variable with a name, value, and description.
Definition: goption.h:32

Adding Options and Switches from a framework or plugin

Each framework or plugin can define its own options and switches. The user can then merge these with the main executable's. For example, in the gemc defineOptions function, the Goptions defined in the external libraries defineOptions and added, as in the code below:

goptions += eventDispenser::defineOptions();
goptions += g4display::defineOptions();
goptions += g4system::defineOptions();
goptions += gfield::defineOptions();
goptions += gparticle::defineOptions();
goptions += gphysics::defineOptions();
goptions += gstreamer::defineOptions();
goptions += gsystem::defineOptions();

YAML Library and Validator

The YAML parser used in this project is from the yaml-cpp library. It is included as a dependency and facilitates parsing complex YAML configurations.

Continuous Integration

The GOptions framework is continuously integrated and tested to ensure stability and reliability across updates.


© Maurizio Ungaro
e-mail: ungar.nosp@m.o@jl.nosp@m.ab.or.nosp@m.g