Type OS Requirements GUI
Docker Linux, Mac docker
web browser
Compilation Linux Fedora, MacOS Ventura (intel chips) Common Environment Setup
native OS


Pull the latest image: docker pull jeffersonlab/gemc3:1.1-fedora36

It is recommended to mount a working directory to save store your work. For example ~/mywork.

Run docker in batch mode1:

docker run -it --rm -v ~/mywork:/mywork jeffersonlab/gemc3:1.1-fedora36 bash

Run docker and use a browser for the graphical interface:

docker run -it --rm  -v ~/mywork:/mywork  -p 8080:8080  jeffersonlab/gemc3:1.1-fedora36

(point your browser to http://localhost:8080/vnc.html)

Local installation through compilation2

Point the environment variable SIM_HOME to an installation location (for example: /opt/sim)

  export SIM_HOME=/opt/sim
  mkdir -p $SIM_HOME
  cd $SIM_HOME
  git clone https://github.com/jeffersonlab/ceInstall
  source $SIM_HOME/ceInstall/setup.(c)sh install
  module load gemc3/1.0

To install gemc3:

install_gemc3 1.0

This will install gemc and the sci-g python api.

Put in your .bashrc/.zshrc/.tcshrc file to load the env at login:

  export SIM_HOME=/opt/sim
  source $SIM_HOME/ceInstall/setup.(c)sh
  module load gemc3/1.0

For more details and system requirements check the Common Environment Install repository.

  1. on linux permissions problems for /var/run/docker.sock may be solved with sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock 

  2. tested on macOS Ventura, Linux Fedora 36