Location: $SCIG/examples/scintillator_array

The setup is an array of scintillator bars in a cylindrical configuration. The bars are trapezoids to maximize the surface area.

The geometry is constructed using the python script:


The output is defined by the entry +goutput in the jcard ‘scintillator_array.jcard’. Two format are written out: ‘text’ and ‘root’.

Sets the desired number of cores, number of events, and verbosity in the jcard ‘scintillator_array.jcard’. To run gemc:

gemc scintillator_array.jcard 

Use the -gui option to run interactively:

gemc simple_flux.jcard -gui

The geometry looks like this:


Another picture with 1000 events, with hits in the sensitive bars:


After running, the produced root file can be inspected:

TFile f("events.root")

This will show the following branches in the output file:

The variables’ names in each branch can be listed and plotted. For example:

digitized_flux->Draw("eTot:bar_id>>(37, 0, 38, 100, 20.0, 20.6)", "eTot>20", "colz")
trueInfo_flux->Draw("avgy:avgx>>(400, -400, 400, 400, -400, 400)", "", "colz")

will show the energy deposited in the bars versus bar id and the hit positions in the x-y plane:



The code that produce the geometry: